It's time to release

‘Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on’. Erkhart Tolle 

‘I feel like I'm in the process of shedding old skin’, I said to a friend recently. ‘So much of what used to excite me and what I used to spend my time and energy on now doesn’t’. 

As lockdowns are lifting, I feel I'm still in some kind of cocoon. I’m curious about an undercurrent of new ideas, new ways of being and working – I don't fully know what they are yet – and I feel the need to sit in the spaciousness for a little while longer before I find out.  

I’m hearing from many of you that you are feeling this way. 

There is a global letting go of old ways and systems that no longer serve humanity. We now get to listen to what’s needed and sink into our creativity to open ourselves to new possibilities that will restore, heal and connect us in a way we are longing for.

It’s time to release

Release what’s no longer serving you and fill yourself up on powerful connections, community and support systems that will build the wind in your sails. 

And you’ll know when you’re ready, you will have conviction with your message. Your ideas will capture the hearts and minds of others. You will bring something new to the world. What you have to offer is needed. We are hungry for it.

Join us for part two of the feminine leadership series on Monday 14th June on zoom at 730-845pm hosted by Nikki and Stephanie Sutton. We will be holding a deep release visualisation where you can tap into your creativity and inspiration for what’s coming your way. 

We can’t wait to see you there. 

And if you would like to join us and haven’t been to a tribe call before, email us at and we will be sure to welcome you.

Nikki & Steph x


Clear the Path to Your Electric.


The healing power of nature