Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

2017 Completion

As the year draws to a close, we can take this opportunity to review the big themes and lessons of the year – to create a clear ending and space for new beginnings.

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

Living with Purpose and Abundance

We love to start the year by being intentional about what we truly want. It's a great time for visioning and building a picture of a life that lights us up. It's a time to be brave and set exciting challenges – and what's more, it's wonderful to do this with a group of inspiring, Electric women who can hold you accountable. 

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

Winter reflection

At Electric Woman, we like to honour the natural winter cycle of slowing down, reflection and releasing the old before the focus and new beginnings of January arrive. One of our favourite ways to do this is through a Soul Session to help us tap into our inner wisdom for the answers. 

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

The Miss Guideds - Which one are you?

We all have inner-critics – ‘the Miss Guideds’ that are not aligned with who we really are or the true vision we have for our lives. Becoming aware of how we hold ourselves back is the first step.

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

The first step in becoming your Electric Woman

The first step in becoming your Electric Woman is through a powerful visualisation – an effective technique that quietens the busy mind and turns up the voice of your intuition, the voice in you that knows. 

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

The Mother Wound

The journey of an Electric Woman is to own her feminine side - to feel empowered and led by it. By feminine I mean the wise, intuitive, receptive, nurturing and expansive side of ourselves, not the 'be nice, quiet, pretty, passive, needy' feminine we were taught.

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

Introducing Soul Sessions with Vanessa

Most women I meet today want the courage to be who they are; to be clear in their direction, to reclaim their feminine side. They want to learn how to tap into their own inner wisdom for the answers and trust themselves on a deeper level. Often we need a boost to do this when we feel off-centre, disconnected and foggy about what's next. Introducing: Electric Woman Soul Sessions

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

Moments of softening

The journey of an Electric Woman is a journey of softening. To soften is to challenge the armour we've adopted that keeps us protected, invulnerable, inaccessible – the 'I'm fine' mask. Softening is when we begin to quiet the relenting, anxious voice inside that tells us we are not ok. When a woman softens she stops fighting herself and releases the need to control. She sinks into a deeper level of listening, into presence. She drops her mask, she lets others in and she expresses her desires. 

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

Be not ashamed of your body

"We have to build a bridge and repair the relationship with our body, to listen to and be sensitive to it. To stop blaming it and rejecting it, and stop equating our value with the shape and size of our body. This does not determine our true worth as a woman."

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Sexual Woman Nikki Armytage Sexual Woman Nikki Armytage

Being a sexual woman

At Electric Woman we create journeys for women to connect to their feminine power and inner knowing. Not enough women realise that sexual pleasure is a direct path to our inner power. I learned this after years of feeling closed off from my own sexual pleasure and it was a powerful realisation. 

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

The wisdom of miscarriage

"The way through sadness and grief that comes from great loss is to use it as motivation and to generate a deeper sense of purpose". 
The Book of Joy

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

What's your raw truth?

A woman becomes Electric the moment she shows up in her Raw Truth. Every day, she is out there, achieving, creating, managing, mothering, partnering, caring, marching on. She is doing it all. But inside? Inside lives her hidden insecurity, self-doubt, the worry that she isn't doing it right, her fear.

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

Don't ignore your power

Don't ignore your power. Many of us know and feel a power that resides within, an instinctive confidence, an ageless knowing, a voice that's wise and has the answers. nd we turn our back on this voice. Time and time again we succumb to our fear, our perfectionism, our need to control.

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Nikki Armytage Nikki Armytage

I see you, Woman

My god, you powerful woman
You take my breath away
With each fall, you push on
Each blow, you expand
Shine that bright light
Let me be seen
I see you, woman

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